From being broken, to being used by God!
Prophetess Cindy McManus |
Cindy came from a broken home and was quite broken herself. On a quest to find acceptance, she encountered mental, sexual, alcohol and drug abuse, which led to many foolish decisions. Cindy married the first time on her 18th birthday out of spite, joined the US Army; after being sexually assaulted her life spun even further out of control.
Her persistent sister kept dragging her to church, and one day she made a life changing decision in the right direction. With baby steps Cindy began to walk with Jesus. Cindy has been in the ministry over 36 years, 35 of those years with her husband Darrell. She has seen many saved, filled with the Holy Spirit, delivered, along with creative miracles and the dead being raised. Cindy is a big part of Darrell McManus Ministries in the United States and for eight years helped oversee 684 churches and along with her husband built and established a large orphanage in India. Cindy walks in a powerful prophetic anointing and loves to see people walk in freedom. She will encourage and empower you through love and the power of God that moves through her. She and Darrell live in Hitchcock, TX. They have two sons, two daughters, six grandsons and two granddaughters. They are Senior Pastor's of Church on the Beach. |